WILD GRACE Cosmétiques Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "WILD GRACE"), through www.wildgrace.ca (hereinafter referred to as the "Website"), holds, by the nature of its activities, confidential information concerning its customers.

WILD GRACE is committed to protecting the confidential information it holds and to complying with privacy laws by implementing various mechanisms to ensure the confidentiality of the personal information it holds and collects.

By using the Website, communicating with WILD GRACE or agreeing to receive emails from WILD GRACE, its customers agree to the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy.

Personal Information

Personal information collected by WILD GRACE consists of "any information about an individual that allows that individual to be identified", which includes, but is not limited to:

  • Last Name;
  • First name
  • Telephone number;
  • Mailing address;
  • E-mail address;
  • Payment information (credit card).

(hereinafter referred to as "Personal Information")

WILD GRACE collects Personal Information when its customers participate in its offers and programs and provide information directly, including through registrations, product purchases, product reviews, participation in its interactive features and interactions on its Website.

Personal Information collected by WILD GRACE is collected from forms on the Website, which includes, but is not limited to:

  • Newsletter sign-up form;
  • Online store account registration form;
  • Contest entry forms;
  • General application form;
  • Loyalty points registration form;
  • Product evaluation form,

Personal Information collected by WILD GRACE is also collected through general email inquiries to info@wildgrace.ca. Certain Personal Information may also be collected by WILD GRACE when customers post content on their social media accounts.

The Personal Information so collected by WILD GRACE is used for the following purposes, but not limited to:

  • To identify or contact its customers about its products and services;
  • To send newsletter and promotional offers to its customers;
  • To pay, process, fulfill and ship online orders;
  • To make appointments;
  • For post-appointment follow-ups;
  • To generate statistics;
  • To respond to inquiries;
  • To enable its customers to use, communicate and interact with others on its Website, including through the product review system.

Any customer who agrees to provide WILD GRACE with an email address expressly consents to receiving emails from WILD GRACE.

Personal Information collected by WILD GRACE is also collected through the use of cookies, which retrieve personal information from its customers' computers, for purposes that are solely related to the Website or their interaction with it.

The use of such files allows WILD GRACE :

  • Improve its service and personalize its customers' visit to the Website;
  • Select the advertisements, offers and services that are most likely to interest its customers, based on consumer profile (interests, preferences, location and/or demographic information);
  • Track the items added by its customers to the online shopping cart;
  • To track the actions taken by its customers on the Website;
  • Analyze service and occupancy statistics
  • To analyze the traffic in the store
  • To offer customers the possibility to stay connected to the Website;
  • To generate statistics;
  • Follow up on products consulted and products added to the customer's shopping cart by sending reminder emails;
  • Recommend services adapted to its customers.


Please note that WILD GRACE does not respond to "do not track" signals set by some customers in their web browsers to inform web sites that they do not want information about their visits collected over time.

In addition, WILD GRACE may use automated decision-making processes for purposes of personalizing the Website, enhancing the shopping experience on its Website, or sending personalized promotional emails. These automated decision-making processes should not have any legal effect on its customers.

WILD GRACE will retain Personal Information for as long as necessary for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy.


The Personal Information that WILD GRACE collects is kept in a secure environment. All employees, consultants, directors and officers of WILD GRACE are required to respect the confidentiality of its customers' Personal Information.

To ensure the security of its customers' Personal Information, WILD GRACE employs the following measures, but not limited to:

  • Use of encryption software to attempt to ensure the secure transmission of Personal Information from its customers' computers to its servers;
  • Implementing reasonable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to protect Personal Information that is collected;
  • Access to customer Personal Information is provided only to those employees who need it to perform their duties;
  • Retention of only the last four digits of customers' credit card numbers and transmission of the full number, expiration date and security code to its payment processor in encrypted form;
  • SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate via HTTPS;
  • Use of the Shopify platform (Certified Level 1 PCI DSS Compliant);


Since no mechanism offers maximum security, there is always some degree of risk involved when customers use the Internet to transmit Personal Information and WILD GRACE makes no guarantee that communications between it and its customers or Personal Information in its possession will not be subject to unauthorized access by third parties. The use of the Website by any customer constitutes acceptance of this risk. 

Any customer who has reason to believe that their interaction with WILD GRACE is no longer secure should contact WILD GRACE at info@wildgrace.ca

Right of objection and withdrawal

WILD GRACE offers its customers the right to opt-out of having their personal information used for certain purposes mentioned above.

WILD GRACE also offers its customers the right to opt out of having their personal information removed from, for example, its active user list or mailing list.

To exercise these rights, customers should contact WILD GRACE at info@wildgrace.ca

Please note that WILD GRACE may be required to keep certain information on file for legal and accounting purposes, such as information regarding pending orders, payments or customer service.

Any objection or withdrawal request will be processed within sixty (60) days of receipt of the request.

WILD GRACE also offers its customers the opportunity to unsubscribe from emails it sends, through the unsubscribe link located at the bottom of the email. Any such request will be processed within ten (10) days of receipt of the request.

Each customer can adjust their web browser preferences to stop, delete or restrict the installation of cookies on their computer. Use of the Website will still be possible, but such cessation, deletion or restriction may interfere with some of its functionality.

Third Party

WILD GRACE will not sell Personal Information collected to unaffiliated third parties without the consent of its customers, except in the event of a sale or merger of WILD GRACE or one of its divisions. 

However, WILD GRACE may need to share Personal Information collected with affiliated or unaffiliated third parties for the following purposes, but not limited to:

  • When authorized or required by its customers;
  • To send newsletters and promotional offers tailored to its customers;
  • To deliver orders;
  • To establish a consumer profile;
  • For the hosting of the Website, data analysis, processing of computer services;
  • For market research;
  • To improve and enhance the experience of its customers on the Website;
  • For customer service and training;
  • For credit card processing;
  • For audits;
  • To comply with applicable laws, including laws outside the country of residence of its customers;
  • To comply with legal proceedings;
  • To respond to requests from public and governmental authorities, including those outside the country of residence of its customers;
  • To enforce its terms and conditions;
  • To protect its business and that of its affiliates;
  • To protect its rights, security and property and those of its affiliates;
  • To research and develop remedies and procedural vehicles for bringing or defending any litigation.

These third parties may have access to Personal Information necessary to perform their function, but may not use it for any other purpose.

WILD GRACE sometimes provides its customers with the opportunity to participate in special offers from third parties that require it to share certain Personal Information with them. Please note that WILD GRACE will disclose this anticipated sharing of Personal Information at the time it offers its customers the opportunity to participate in any special offer, in order to obtain their consent to the disclosure of Personal Information to these third parties for direct marketing purposes. WILD GRACE recommends that its customers review the privacy policies of third parties before participating in any special offers.

WILD GRACE's Website may contain links to other websites that are not maintained by WILD GRACE, and other websites may reference or contain links to WILD GRACE's Website. WILD GRACE does not necessarily endorse these other websites and is not responsible for the privacy practices of such websites. 

This policy does not apply to websites operated by third parties. WILD GRACE recommends that its customers review the policies of all websites they visit.

WILD GRACE is not responsible for the removal of its customers' personal information from the lists of any third party to whom such information has been provided in accordance with this policy, such as a business partner.

Non-Personal Information

WILD GRACE may also collect non-personally identifiable information, such as IP addresses (which identify our customers' devices), pages viewed, computer type, screen resolution, operating system version, Internet browser type and version, information collected by cookies, pixel tags, web beacons and other technologies, and other data. This non-personal information does not personally identify its customers and therefore may be collected, used and disclosed for any purpose by WILD GRACE.

WILD GRACE collects and stores customer clickstream data. This data tells WILD GRACE the type of computer and browser software used and the address of the website from which its customers accessed the Website, and allows WILD GRACE to determine anonymously how much time customers spend on each page of its Website, how its customers navigate the Website, and how WILD GRACE can tailor its Website to better meet its customers' needs. Any collection or use of clickstream data by WILD GRACE will be done anonymously, in aggregate, and without intentionally containing any Personal Information.

Applicable Exceptions

WILD GRACE provides its customers with the opportunity to interact with WILD GRACE and others through blogs, message boards, chat functions and the creation of community profiles.

This policy does not apply when its customers use these features, as all information then submitted, including name, mailing address and email address, may be publicly available and remain so even after customers have stopped using the Website. WILD GRACE is not responsible for the information that its customers choose to submit through these interactive features and strongly discourages the disclosure of sensitive personal information.

Changes to this Policy

WILD GRACE reserves the right, at its discretion, to change, modify, add or remove portions of this policy at any time without notice or liability to its customers by posting the updated policy in the same location on the Website. 

WILD GRACE's changes to this Policy will be effective immediately upon posting on the Website. Any subsequent use of the Website by customers following the posting of an updated version of this Policy will constitute their acceptance of such changes.

Any customer concerned about possible changes to this policy should review the policy posted on the Website prior to each use. WILD GRACE also recommends that its customers regularly review this policy for any updates.

If you have any questions about this policy, please contact WILD GRACE at info@wildgrace.ca

Last updated: June 21st, 2024