Jan 22, 2021

First of all, what is hormonal acne?

Let's talk about these rather undesirable little skin rashes today.
Research indicates that acne is an inflammatory skin disease (that's not reassuring!) that mainly affects the face, but can also affect the chest and back. When there is an over-accumulation of keratin and sebum, boom! acne appears! It is the hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands that causes this excess and blocks the hair follicles in the skin. When you have a clogged skin pore, you have bacteria that take advantage of it to proliferate and cause inflammation. Results: redness, blackheads, whiteheads, and cysts. All the things we love!
Although acne is most prevalent in the teenage years, hormonal acne appears in many adult women as well. We thought it was over after adolescence...but unfortunately not! Hormonal fluctuations are the main cause of these little intruders, but other factors can aggravate it, such as:


  •  malnutrition
  •  stress
  •  temperature changes


Also, the current circumstances (completely surreal!) do not come without their share of consequences on the health of our face: life at home pulls us towards the bed (Netflix!), and if Uber Eats is all so conveniently taking over your culinary skills, then say hello to a greasy face and breakouts!

How to regain your sebum balance in a natural way?


Acne is caused by an imbalance of the doshas, more specifically by the aggravation of the Pitta dosha, which acts on toxins under the skin (dosha associated with the element of fire, which explains the inflammation that can be felt when suffering from hormonal acne).

It is therefore important to pay attention to our different lifestyle habits, including facial care, diet, and mental well-being.

Here are some effective and natural tips to prevent acne episodes and rebalance your skin's health:

  1. Establish a facial care routine as part of your daily routine.
    Although this advice may seem trivial, taking the time to wash and moisturize your skin is the key to a healthy face. However, it is important to be careful not to damage the skin (too many exfoliations for example) since this activates the production of sebum: 

    Use a gentle cleanser that suits your skin type, such as our Cleansing Oil - a botanical infusion that gently and thoroughly removes makeup and cleanses your face (for all skin types). Afraid to cleanse your face with oil? Oil attracts oil, so even the oiliest skin will clean deep down and remove excess oil! Try it! it's a most pleasant and effective ritual!

    Dry your face with a clean cotton wipe (click here for our 100% natural washcloth). Be careful not to rub your skin to avoid causing redness, try instead to dab your face dry. 

    Apply a moisturizing serum that corresponds to your skin type to protect it well. If you don't know your dosha, please click here to take our free ayurvedic dosha quiz.

  2. Eat a healthy diet:
    some foods promote inflammation and can aggravate acne, such as refined sugars, dairy products, fermented foods rich in trans fats, as well as all stimulants such as peppers, red meat, caffeinated drinks, and alcohol, etc.

  3. Who says stress says hello pimple!...
    How to counter this undesirable effect? The practice of yoga as well as breathing exercises helps to calm the body and mind, no matter what the circumstances of life. Regular practice of these activities allows you to refocus, rebalance your energies and effectively reduce the undesirable effects of anxiety. It is even proven that intentional breathing, such as the Nadi Shodhana exercise, helps balance hormones.


A few more tips just for you:

Miracle plants that will help fight hormonal acne.

This plant, which is cultivated in India in particular, is known for its antibacterial properties that help prevent acne breakouts and eliminate redness, pimples, and blackheads. 

How to use it?
It is very simple. Apply moringa leaf paste to the acne-prone areas of your face and you're done!

Tea tree essential oil:
Native to Australia, the tea tree helps reduce inflammation and acts as an antibacterial, preventing the multiplication of acne-causing bacteria. There are cleansing gels based on tea tree, but it is also possible to make an anti-acne home treatment: pour 1 drop of tea tree essential oil directly on a clean cotton swab or diluted in a little vegetable oil and apply to the pimples of the face 1 to 2 times a day, as needed. 

Caution! First, try this product on a small area of your skin before venturing out on your full face: first make sure that your skin reacts well to the treatment. Also, make sure of the quality of your tea tree essential oil: it is important that it comes from organic farming. 


Please note that our Pitta Serum, containing tea tree oil, among other amazing botanicals, can also be used as an effective acne treatment by applying it directly to the area to be treated (I suggest you apply it several times a day, 3-5 times a day, on the pimple(s) in question)...,

Acne can be a physical and psychological burden for some people, but don't forget that you are not alone in this fight! Just listen to your skin to find the treatment that suits you best. Otherwise, it is always possible to make an appointment for an Ayurvedic consultation with me. It will be my pleasure to support you and help you regain optimal health.

Hopefully, these little natural tricks will help you find a glow of light in your daily life.


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